Words & Numbers = No Answers


16 Hours





I feel much better now that I had.

He is lucky that the triumeq has been kind to his body.

He has had no visible, mental or other side effects.

Well none that we can tell.  He has been on the pills since October 8th 6am.

83 DAYS….

He has had some tiny pimple like issues around his mouth area, upper lip, not pimples but blister red blemish like. They come and go. He has periods of this.  This has happened since diagnosis but has only had a couple outbreaks since his pills. Unsure if it is related or just “who he is”

His only side effect is within 60mins of taking the pill which are cured with diet, he eats and they go away. I am happy and relieved that is all of the issues he has had.  As for bowel issues. He has always had issues so knowing if it is because of the pills or not is sort of irrelevant. He has always had bouts with his shit…He farts more. His shit stinks more…BUT who knows…

He has a rash the size of a Canadian One Dollar Coin on his left upper leg. It has grown.

Other than that……just the mental anguish he goes through in phases.

My side effects are  perpetual worry. Over the holidays I was sad a bit but happy. Full of love but also very aware of what has transpired over the last 7months.  December was full of Dr’s appointments.

We were eating supper last night and I was obviously getting emotional. He asked me why I was looking sad.  I opened up and was honest with him and said it was because of HIV thoughts. It would be a disservice to him and me if I just kept it inside and not be truthful why I was sad. I had been thinking of his diagnosis…That was the truth. HE smiled and said thank you and we continued with our night of movies and laughs.




Birthdays?? Half Full or Half Empty? I am just Glad I got CUP!

In my life Birthdays have always been a day of joy.  A day of abundance. A day of love.  It is a day all about you. In my family it soon became a week long celebration. A week long anticipation.  It usually involved extra love that week, you could get away with more when you broke some rules, you did not have to do all your chores, it became a birthday party with your friends and then a party with your family, we would go out to eat one night. The day  after your birthday you would always be allowed to eat birthday cake for breakfast, then when aunts and uncles would make their way to the house you would get more gifts.

It was a great family tradition. We were blessed as a family as well because my Mother and Sister shared consecutive days. My father was 2 weeks after my birthday. My favourite cousin also shared my father’s birthday. My dad’s little brother also shared a birthday in the same week as mine.

We also took birthdays seriously. We may have had a father who worked shift work but he always made sure he was there for us. He would either be off for your birthday or at the very least work a night shift the night of your birthday so he would have the day with you.

We would always get the cake we wanted. We would always have the birthday supper we wanted.

I was always a little jealous or upset with my birthday secretly. I usually wanted to have a birthday party with my friends but because my birthday was so close to Halloween it was hard to get kids to come. We would usually have the birthday party on the weekend before or after my day. Kids would be invited to other parties so in order to make them come to mine I would have to make mine a Halloween party too. I hated to share my day with a “holiday”.  Not only that but as I got older and as all kids in their 20’s want to do is go out and drink. I then had to share my birthday night out with Halloween revellers.

I never dressed up for Halloween. I was anti dress up. It was my one day to look my best and I wanted to dress up with a good shirt, pants and a fresh haircut and shave.  I would get a lot of slack from other bar patrons. A lot of gays would come up to me and ask me why I was not dressed up and wonder what I was dressed up as. I would say me, An Older ME! I was cocky about it but I did not care. It was not until 2years ago my boyfriend and I dressed up as “Masked Mormons” We were a hit. Some people thought we really were Mormons and others thought it was sexy. It is every gay mans dream is to bed a Mormon. They are usually young, fit and cute….

Our family was one to always one to follow tradition too. I remember my birthday cake was always the same. I just liked it…My sister always had an ice cream cake from DQ.  My dad was not too picky to be honest. My mother was one to go from her favourited of Black Forrest Cherry Cake. My little brother was not pickey either as he was not one for baked good as it was.

I have never in my whole life worked on the day of my birth. I have always asked for it off and always if suggested I may work, put up a stink and inform my employer that I have never worked on my birthday, that and I always work the Christmas holiday as well as NYE and other holidays.  My holiday was my birthday. My birthday is MY day…ALWAYS.

I have never really met anyone who did not like their birthday until I met my partner. My partner took many years to learn to appreciate his birthday.  It was very hard for me to accept he did not like birthdays and a fuss. He is one to not like a fuss.

There has been a few times in the beginning years that we did not always celebrate together. I would have some time with him on his birthday but it was not for many years that it dawned on me that it was my responsibility to take care of him on his day.

He soon learned to take time off for his birthday and to make it all about him, to go out to eat at a place he likes, get himself a birthday and to make himself a cake if no-one else was making him a cake.

I am thankful that he now loves his birthday.  Though this year he made a point of asking not to make a fuss of it. Understandably so. This year he gave me a budget of 20 dollars to get a gift and did not want a fuss at all.  Being a few months after his diagnosis he was not really in celebrating mood. This year we also went to my home city to be with family for my niece and nephews combined birthday party! OH!! did I not mention that as well, Ya my Niece was 2 this year and her birthday was September 1st, her older brother, my Nephew was 4!! He is born on the 15th…SO my partner was smack dab in the middle.  SO we had fun celebrating kids birthdays.  We did go out as a family for supper. We then went onto my brothers place for pie…for my bfs birthday dessert.

It was low key with a small fuss.

Now it is my Birthday tomorrow.  I have been very emotional this month. I usually get very contimplative and wonder what it is all about.  I also get supper horny in October. I usually whore around in late September and October. BUT this year was a bit different as I had other stuff on my mind.

I find it hard to ask my boyfriend to make a fuss over me, I want a fuss, I like grande expressions of love and abundance for my birthday.  I will admit that since my late 30s and now 40 and tomorrow 41, that has subdued a bit but….I also feel guilty to ask my partner to do so much for me as we had a low key day for him.

Last year for my 40th we went to Mexico! A gorgeous 5star resort. We were spoiled and had a terrific time. We booked that trip the day after my bfs bday last year and was a great time last year.  We got the travel bug so badly that we booked a second Mexico trip when we got back from our first trip.

SO, here we are…The day before my 41st birthday and I am at a cross roads.  I have been sad a lot and thinking to myself that I am actually confused.

I was so hoping to meet with my therapist on Thursday to discuss some of my confusion but she called in sick. She called me today and asked if I wanted to come in. But being the day before my birthday I did not want to stir the pot and be emotional as well as she was sick and did not want to risk catching something

Birthdays lately have become a reminder that “hey, your life is half over…”  That is to say if I am lucky to life until I am 80ish. If I follow the path my ancestors have had, my life is 3/4 over. As they all died in their late 60s and early 70s.  That is sad.

It makes me sad. It makes me reflect on what I have accomplished. I see myself seeing young folk and wish I was young again. Wishing I was in high school, wishing I was in university, wishing I was in my 20s and foolish to just jump off a train and land in the mid west and take any old job just to survive.

BUT if I wish all those things I would not be who I am now.  I was not that sort of person then so why would I want to be another kind of person If I kinda actually like who I am now. Or do I?

We all wish we made smarter choices or different choices.  We did what we could do with what we knew at the time to make those choices. I have never really done anything wrong or seriously erroneous to make my life harder or miserable.

I turned out ok. Acceptance is a word that one could remember more often when we turn another year older. It is a word that I think of often. Is being subdued just a form of acceptance or is a symptom of giving up?

As I sit here at my local Starbucks drinking my over priced sugar and soy concoction I am left to my thoughts and randomness of kindness and I receive and give smiles. I was about to be cranky to my barista for making my drink an 1.5″ short on soy…I want my moneys worth but figured, at least I got a cup….

So happy birthday to all you October Babies and Scorpios.

It is an odd birthday as I am no longer the man I was and unsure of the Man I will be.

Bathhouse Boundaries


They come in many shapes and sizes. I have only ever been in 2 individual establishments in my whole life. I started early. I was only 20 when I went to my first bathhouse.

I have never been to one in a big city. Always dreamed of it. Always thought it would be more fun and a lot more to digest.

In my small city of 414,000 people in the surrounding area makes it a small community. It is hardly big enough for a good mix of people. It is hard to really go without seeing the same people over and over again. It is a city that is, what’s the word, has a negative attitude towards sex, amongst the gay community.

When you visit the social media hookup sites, such as Manhunt, Squirt, Grindr, barebackrt, amongst others you see a lot of men.  However, you also see a trend of men putting off hooking up with status lines such as,” not into hookups”, “here for friends”, ” don’t message me if you are this and this and this”, “must have a face pic to chat”. I do not go to the bars nearly as much as I use too. When I go, about once a year, pride, hween or another special event YOU always see men on their grindr trying to see who is there. You always see manhunt men hanging with other likeminded, built men…1ffccd9b2583a405595e47d3f2dd7871

The days of anonymous sex are nearly dead. That is unless you go to a bathhouse.

I have found that hookup sites use to be very anonymous and hardly contained face pictures and men still found a way to hookup.  Gee, even in the days of phone line chat rooms and message boards men found a way to hook up.

Now men seem to only hookup anonymously if they happen to pre-meet online then go to a public place.  Men want an instantaneous, sure thing.

The younger generation who have has always thrown caution to the wind and posted everything about themselves online soon made us older guys want to catch up and play the young mans game.  Hooking up then became a thing of shame.  With the previously mentioned status lines men say they are not hooking up, or not here for sex but indeed we are all there for a connection. Whether you are there to meet someone or to fuck, at some point you will have sex, so if it takes you 20mins or 2days or 2weeks to get the nerve to meet someone you still are so whats with the “slut shaming”?

SO this brings us to the bathhouses.  In my city there have only ever been 2 baths. Neither of them operated at the same time of each other. One was open for 20years or so and closed then the second one opened.

When I first discovered the first bathhouse it was called “The APPLE Sauna”. *NAME CHANGED TO PROTECT IDENTITY.

It was tucked away into an old building with a front door, sidewalk entrance. No sign to distinguish it from any other business. It had odd operating hours and was fitting in nicely into the popular streetscape.

I made my first appearance there with hesitation. So unsure what to expect. I knew the general idea and what went on there.

APPLE was stuck in the past.  It looked like something out of old Hollywood.  A hospital pale green paint job, old 70’s male porn star model pictures in frames on the walls combined with roman’esq decor.  Painted roman columns, roman bust forms etc.  It was eerily creepy. It was set up like this: walk in front door, came to a gated window, something you would see in a casino, an older man who would greet you ask what he could do for you, you paid, buzzed you in, you walked up a few stairs to a tv lounge area, several seats, magazine racks, and a few private rooms, then a set of stairs which let downstairs where lockers, a sauna*big enough for maybe 4 people and showers. It was very dark and claustrophobic.

It was never busy there. I think the most men I saw at any given time was 5. Always older men. I did have a couple guys my age show up. It was always awkward as men who follow you around.  The magazines were always old, from the 80s early 90s.

I am unsure how often I was there but I would say maybe 10times.

I do have a sad story about my first ever visit. But that is another post.

The second bathhouse that opened was called “SEASTARS” *NAME CHANGED TO PROTECT IDENTITY. It was on a busy main street in our city. A little run down but an up and coming street. It was very popular in the days and it was always busy when I was there and always a good time. It had a sauna, a hot tub and lots of porn playing as well as a dark room to play in. It was small. You could easily find 20-30guys there on a busy night at one time. For a small location it seemed busy as you were always in the way of some guy wanting to walk by.  The had a main floor only for awhile which had lockers and rooms. It was dimly lite and provided a horny atmosphere.

This second bathhouse soon grew in popularity and would soon expand to the bottom floor and incorporate more rooms and lockers, a common area with tvs as well as a large dark room with wrought iron cage walls to provide a maze effect to the room which also had a sling area and a glory hole set up.

On a busy night you could have 5guys in the sauna fucking around, 3-6guys in the hot tub talking or groping each other, a few men in the small dark room and 10guys or more in the basement and 4-6guys at the sling. It was a good time…Red lights to find your way around following the moans and groans of horny fuckers.

This place had it’s ups and downs. It went from very busy to very slow. SEASTARS changed ownership 3times.  Now it is hardly able to stay afloat relying on the gay bar across the street to keep it busy.  The owner of the gay bar owns the bathhouse as well.

I am unsure how many men I met there but I met men of all walks of life.  Hot men who are tall model built dream boats to the average chub. Twinks to Brick Shit Houses, Cumdumps to anal up tight snobs. Military men on course, Navy men who are in port!!  Every sort goes there. There is no bathhouse type. If you are willing and horny, you will find him there. Of course, it would be hard to find that diamond in the rough of a man we are all looking for.  We all wait for the newbie…We all chase him…We all want a taste.

This bathhouse has now been around so long it smells like mildew and seems like a health risk, it stinks, its soppy and the hot tub is questionable at best as an std stew(granted you can not catch an std but you could go home with a rash at the very least).  The cedar planks that are in the sauna itself are blackened with sweat and semen that I would never sit on it directly. The wood must be 15years old if not older. The carpet has since been removed as that was so comprised it was like tile to walk on. The corners of the floors that  meet the walls are stained…It is just gross. If you just want to go for fun, go when the lights are down and have a good stiff drink before you go.

The dark room is fun but be careful not to be stealthed. Many men will slide their cocks into your ass without even a mutter of a word…Men just assume that any ass there is free game for a breeding. I am sure that is the case in the bigger cities as well. I have seen many time a man bend over to suck and a man would walk up behind him and try to breed him.

I have never been in a big city bath house but from the pictures I have seen of the establishments it seems cleaner and more modern.

I love going to the bathhouse. The prices have gone up over the years and makes it less desirable to go but when the stars align and it’s a good night I am glad I went.

If you are a cocksucker and love cock down your throat then you will have a good time. If you are picky or serosorting then you could have a good time. It is hard to justify 25 for a locker for a 2-4hour stay….When no-one is there, the place smells and the porn is half good at best. Especially in the winter in the basement and ur cock can’t get hard due to the chill.

I tend to be the sort of man who goes for a few hours. I like to time it. I like to be there just before one busy time, stick it out and stay until the next group of men show up. If I get a room it gives me a moment to hide out if I do not care for the clientele and it allows me time to rest.

In a small city you always have your regulars. Sometimes it makes it more difficult to get laid as you are chasing the same guys. I can count off probably 10-15 core customers and at any given time when it is busy you have 5 of them.  They can be a turn off as they seem to gravitate to each other to socialize.  It is always a hive for HIV positive men have nowheres to go to have sex as they have been shamed in our small city and everyone seems to think they “know” people.

Sometimes you know who has HIV because people whisper to each other there. They seem to think they are doing you a favour by revealing someone else’s status like this.” Hey I saw you talking or chasing that guy, he has HIV, be careful.” It is sad that happens but at the same time one would be thankful as I have seen one particular man who is well known to have HIV easily and without caution or disclosure to others suck off unknowing men who are on the search for a blowjob.  Little do they know a man with HIV has just done the deed.  Even though I have never seen him top or bottom he is a cock hungry man who would go a lot. I would never play with him, again.*that is another story.

In our small city, people seem to make judgements on others by simply thinking they know you by other peoples word.  If you chat to someone online be sure that that person has already asked his “friends” and his online chat buddies if they know you. It is such a shallow and simple community here. People slut shame you because when you clearly state that you want to find an anon hookup they simply chat to you to find out who you are then stop once they get a face pic. Just men being nosey.  Sad state of affairs but that is how it is.

I am the type that likes little talk. I like action. If there is no action to be had I would rather sit in silence and enjoy myself. Porn playing, watching tv, or just admiring the older fit men who walk around with their cocks poking out of their towels.

I have made friends with a few of the workers. If you go often enough and you are the only one there sometimes the only thing to do is to talk to them.

I have been stone cold sober, buzzed, high(on pot only), and drunk there or even a combination.  Sometimes it seemed like the only way to cope with the crowd.

I find it funny when I read some of the social media websites that have cruise listings for the bathhouse here in town. People post messages asking if it is busy there, when is a good time to go, how many people are there, or “hey i saw u there, gives a description, and asks the general site if he is there” Chances are…most men in my experience do not go on sites and go to the bathhouse.

Our bathhouse caters to a very very small percentage of the population. People are so ashamed to even; 1. be seen going to a gay bar, 2. being with another gay in public as people may assume you are gay by the company you keep, 3. are anti hookup as it is would never be seen walking into a bathhouse, 4. afraid that they would “know” someone at the bathhouse and be afraid they would be outted.

I have noticed that the people in our city who have wanted to go to the local bathhouse have done so already, have made their judgement of it and have gone back or stayed away, the others have never gone from shame and pre judgements and lastly out of towners keep the place afloat.

We all love the out of towners, they are there for a purpose….The ones who either stay the weekend and get as many loads as possible or come in, get off and leave.

I am a proponent of “do the deed and do your duty to suck off or be sucked off by an older man”.  I do not go out of my way to follow my words but if the right man strikes me as a possible hookup age isn’t a factor. If you are not using a cane and can get hard, sure, lets go at it….A mouth is a mouth, even in a dark room.

That is not to say that, I once, followed a twinkish guy downstairs, found him in the corner of the dark room. Only lit  by the red light of the emergency exit. He had a smooth hot body, I touched his rock hard chest and followed my hand down to his stomach and reaching for his crotch to find a hot boy cock. BUT to my surprise he had on underwear under his towel.  There was no BULGE??? He had on smooth panties and a cunt. I touched my first pussy, over panties but still…..


that is my story for now